Guest House for dog

The Wilson's Dynasty Kennel is also a Guest House for small and medium-sized dogs.

The Guest House is family-run, our little guests will have at their disposal a villa of 400 square meters on two floors, a fenced garden of 5,000 square meters and a terrace of 50 square meters to be able to spend their stay in our hotel in peace. 
For large dogs, please contact us by phone to evaluate the possibility.

Medicines are also administered (oral, subcutaneous, intramuscular ...) and pre and post-operative hospitalizations.

To find out about availability, costs and any other information you can contact us by phone or whatsapp at +39 336 94 60 91 or by sending an e-mail to


Pensione/Guesthouse: Chicco

Abbiamo avuto ospite per il periodo natializo il simpatico e dolce Chicco, che ci ha tenuto compagnia e rallegrato in un momento particolare.
Grazie per essere stato qui in pensione da noi.

We had the nice and sweet Chicco as a guest for the Christmas period, who kept us company and cheered us up in a particular moment.
Thank you for retiring here with us.



Seanna ci ha lasciato - Seanna left us

Il mio cuore si è spezzato in due di nuovo.
Te ne sei andata oggi pomeriggio, in fretta, dopo un'ultima corsa verso di me, neanche il tempo di capire cosa stava succedendo, di poter fare qualcosa e già non c'eri più.
My heart broke in two again
You left this afternoon, in a hurry, after a last rush towards me, not even the time to understand what was happening, to be able to do something and you were already gone.
Kiss Bully Finesse Seanna 23/11/2015 - 21/12/2021


Bonsai è diventato papà - Bonsai became a dad

Il nostro giovane Bonsai (16 mesi) è diventato papà di due bellissimi maschietti. 
La mamma e i cuccioli stanno bene.
Siamo lieti di condividere questa bella notizia. 

Our young boy Bonsai (16 months) has become the father of two beautiful boys.
The mother and the puppies are fine.
We are delighted to share this good news.



