Great news

Siamo lieti di annunciare che il nostro Tristan, a seguito della visita oculistica ufficiale Enci, risulta esente da oculopatie di carattere ereditario e non.

We are pleased to announce that our Tristan, following the official Enci eye examination, is free from ereditary cataracts and oculopatie.

2xbest juniores, BOB, 2xR.CAC, CAC, BOS
Patella 0/0, Ereditary cataracts free, oculopatie clear.



Our puppies are given after having carried out a complete cycle of 4 deworming and 3 vaccines, properly weaned, provided with ENCI pedigree, microchip, health card, medical certificate of good health and puppy kit; I will also be available for the owners of my puppies throughout their lifetimes, to give advice and suggestions if requested.

Litter E 22/08/2022 


Litter D 4/05/2022


Litter "C" 4/01/2021  


Litter "B" 2/06/2020


Litter "A" 24/07/2019 
